Jet Admin vs Bubble

Jet Admin and Bubble are both platforms that provide integrated solutions for front-end and back-end development, but the concept is fully different. Bubble provides basic components and data sources with many plugins from third-party developers that make it powerful and cover a lot of use cases. Jet mostly focuses on its native data sources and components, providing flexibility to extend functionality: Rest API, Design Component, React/Angular/Vue components.

Feature Jet Admin Bubble
Ready-to-Use Components 100+ components Basic components
Native Data Sources
Data Synchronization
Custom component – JS/React
Responsive interface Auto-responsiveness Multiple views
Pixel-Perfect Interface
Integration with 3rd party API Builder Plugins

Jet Admin Outperforms Bubble in Data Integration

While Bubble relies on plugins for data integration, Jet Admin offers native integration with over 50 popular data sources and lets you build custom databases with Jet Tables. It also provides the flexibility to connect with practically any external data source through its API Builder. Additionally, Jet Admin supports advanced data manipulation and custom code, giving you greater control over your data and functionality. You can build complex calculations, automate tasks, and write custom SQL queries to pull and manipulate data in real-time.

Jet Admin provides native data source integrations: PostgreSQL, Firebase, Airtable, or designing a database from scratch using the Jet database. This makes adding a data source just a few seconds and uses a lot of out-of-the-box like filtering, sorting, syncing, and blending data, keeping the data secure and providing scalability.

Bubble uses plugins to connect to data sources. There are over 1000 of them available, which gives you a lot of flexibility. However, there are some potential drawbacks to this approach. Extending third-party plugins can be difficult and can cause potential issues if, for example, the plugin's creators stop supporting or updating them. Some plugins may not be supported anymore, which means users will not be able to use the latest features and will face maintenance problems in the future.

Jet’s working system has some key advantages:

  • Data Security and Control. With self-hosting options and an integrated backend, Jet Admin ensures that user data remains under the user's complete control. This platform provides data security and ensures that users’ information is protected.
  • Scalability. Jet Admin's architecture is designed to handle large volumes of data and traffic, granting scalability as applications grow and user demand increases. Thus, businesses can grow their applications and handle more users without slowing down.

Jet Admin Provides Design Freedom

While Bubble offers great design tools, it often relies on third-party integrations for specific tasks. This can lead to complex workflows and difficulty extracting design assets into your app. Jet Admin, on the other hand, lets you design and develop seamlessly within its own ecosystem, offering greater control.

Advantages of Jet Admin:

  • Pixel-perfect design. Jet Admin's unique Component Designer tool allows you to create stunning and intricate UI elements without any prior design experience. This is a game-changer for individuals or teams who want full design control without the need for a dedicated designer.
  • Native Marketplace and Component Library. Jet Admin boasts a thriving native Marketplace with a wide selection of pre-built components and templates. This makes it easy to quickly create beautiful and functional applications without starting from scratch. Additionally, the pre-built library of 50+ components covers common functionalities like tables, Kanban boards, filters, and ratings, saving your time.
  • Direct import from Figma and Sketch. If you already have a design created in Figma or Sketch, you can seamlessly import it directly into Jet Admin. This allows you to quickly convert your design into a functional application, eliminating the need for manual recreations.
  • Unlimited design flexibility with native code. While Jet Admin offers a user-friendly no-code environment, it also gives you the power to create truly unique and interactive experiences using code. You can use  HTML, CSS, and JavaScript/React/Vue/Angular to build complex UI elements and customize your app.

With Jet, there is no necessity to recreate your designed components anymore. This integration streamlines the design process and enables users to implement their existing design assets into applications without requiring manual conversion or re-creation.

Additionally, a marketplace offers a growing collection of pre-built free components, providing users with a wide range of design options and simplifying component creation.

Easy in Use

Bubble has a steeper learning curve, especially for advanced users, while Jet Admin is designed for ease of use and saves time with its automatic interface generation ability.

Bubble offers a visual development environment with drag-and-drop functionality for designing applications, workflows, and custom actions. While powerful, Bubble presents a steeper learning curve, particularly for complex solutions.

Jet Admin, on the other hand, prioritizes ease of use. Its intuitive interface and drag-and-drop functionality simplify interface creation and customization for users of all technical backgrounds. The interface automatically generates from user data, saving time and allowing users to focus on core functionalities without worrying about intricate design aspects.

Freedom and Control for Your Applications

While Bubble locks you into their platform, Jet Admin offers the flexibility and control of self-hosting. This means you can deploy your applications on your own servers with complete ownership and control over your data and application environment.

While Bubble’s scalability relies on plugins, Jet Admin is designed to handle large workloads and can easily adapt to growing demands. Its infrastructure ensure that your applications will continue to perform optimally as your business expands.

Additionally, self-hosting enables organizations to scale their applications according to their demands. They are not limited by the resources of a shared cloud platform and can add resources as needed to accommodate growth. This is crucial for businesses experiencing rapid expansion or handling large data volumes.

Jet Admin allows to self-host the apps.

White Labeling

As mentioned earlier, Jet Admin offers a unique advantage over other no-code platforms – self-hosting. This feature allows organizations to go beyond customization and fully white-label the platform, creating a branded experience for their users.

In addition to the points mentioned above, self-hosting can also offer:

  • Cost savings. In some cases, self-hosting can be more cost-effective than using a cloud platform, especially for organizations with consistent resource needs.
  • Compliance. Self-hosting may be necessary to comply with specific industry regulations or data privacy laws.

Jet Admin and Bubble Provide Powerful Workflow Automation

Both tools streamline repetitive tasks, automate actions, and craft sophisticated logic within your applications.

  • Built-in Action Arsenal. Both tools have a library of pre-built actions for user authentication, file handling, database operations, and external API calls. This simplifies integration and reduces the need for custom coding.
  • Branching and Conditional Logic. Platforms empower you to create complex decision-making processes within your workflows. By setting specific conditions, you can ensure that tasks are executed only when certain criteria are met.
  • Custom JavaScript. Both support custom JavaScript allows developers to extend their automation capabilities beyond the built-in actions. You can trigger custom scripts or even execute global workflows for advanced automation.
  • Trigger-Based Automation. The tools allow you to define triggers for your automations, such as button clicks, data changes, or external API calls. This ensures that tasks are automatically initiated when specific events occur.
  • Conditional Branching for Dynamic Execution. Similar to Bubble, Jet Admin offers conditional branching capabilities. This allows you to create adaptable workflows that react differently based on specific situations.
  • Data Manipulation. Both platforms excel at handling data changes within workflows. This enables automatic data processing and improves overall efficiency.

Jet Admin’s Advantage

Integration with Third-Party Services. Jet Admin simplifies external integration through pre-built connectors, API integration, and webhook support. This allows you to seamlessly connect your workflows with various third-party tools and services.

Endless Possibilities of Web Tools Creation

Both Jet Admin and Bubble are created to build a wide range of web applications without writing code, with Jet Admin being more suitable for creating internal tools. Here are some examples of web apps you can create with both platforms:

Internal Tools

  • Dashboards: Track key performance indicators (KPIs), analyze data, and gain valuable insights into your business operations.
  • Project management tools: Manage projects, tasks, and deadlines; and collaborate effectively with your team.
  • CRM systems: Organize customer information, track interactions, manage sales pipelines, and improve customer satisfaction.
  • Employee onboarding portals: Automate and streamline the onboarding process for new employees.
  • Internal communication platforms: Facilitate communication and collaboration among teams within your organization.
  • Knowledge management systems: Create a central repository for storing and sharing internal knowledge and resources.
  • Data visualization tools: Present complex data in an easily understandable and visually appealing way.
  • Web forms and surveys: Collect data and feedback from users.

Public-Facing Applications

  • Marketplaces: Connect buyers and sellers in a specific niche, offering a platform for buying, selling, and exchanging goods and services.
  • Social networks: Create a platform for users to connect, share content, build communities, and interact with each other.
  • E-commerce stores: Sell products or services directly to consumers online, managing inventory, payments, and customer orders.
  • Online learning platforms: Deliver educational content and courses to students, offering a convenient and engaging learning experience.

Jet Admin is a Cost-Effective Alternative with Predictable Subscription Pricing

While Bubble's core platform offers essential features, many functionalities require additional plugins. These plugins can range in price from free to hundreds of dollars per month, significantly increasing your app's development and ongoing maintenance costs.

Jet Admin's subscription-based pricing provides predictable costs, eliminating the risk of unexpected expenses. This makes it an especially more cost-effective option for businesses that expect significant growth.

Jet Admin offers a tiered pricing structure with four plans to cater to diverse user needs.

  • Free: This plan is perfect for individual users or small teams building simple internal tools. It includes access to essential features like custom tables, forms, and dashboards, with limited data storage.
  • Starter: Starting at $24/month per user, this plan expands on the Free version, offering increased data storage and additional features like user management, roles and permissions, and integrations with external services.
  • Pro: Priced at $48/month per user, the Pro plan is ideal for growing businesses building more complex internal tools. It unlocks advanced features like custom workflows, API access, and support for multiple apps.
  • Enterprise: Designed for large organizations with complex needs and high usage volume, the Enterprise plan offers custom pricing and tailored features based on specific requirements.

Bubble also offers a tiered pricing model, but it incorporates a plugin-centric approach that can significantly impact your app's cost.

  • Hobby: This free plan is ideal for personal projects and testing purposes. It provides limited features and data storage, making it unsuitable for production applications.
  • Personal: Starting at $25/month, the Personal plan offers increased features and data storage compared to the Hobby plan, but it still restricts plugin usage.
  • Professional: Priced at $115/month, the Professional plan accommodates growing businesses with basic applications. While it allows for plugin usage, the cost can quickly escalate as you implement more advanced functionalities.
  • Production: Starting at $475/month, the Production plan caters to complex applications with high traffic and advanced features. It includes more plugins, but customization through additional plugins can further increase the overall cost.

In Conclusion

  • Jet Admin is faster and easier to scale than Bubble. This means you can quickly and easily add more users and data to your Jet Admin applications without worrying about performance issues.
  • Jet follows web standards more closely than Bubble. This makes integrating created applications with other web applications and services easier.
  • You can export and self-host your piece, having more control over your data and applications, and you are not tied to the platform.

As well, Jet Admin offers unique customization options that are ahead of the competition:

  • Allows to create visually appealing pixel-perfect elements.
  • Integrates with popular design tools. Figma and Sketch.
  • Offers a marketplace of pre-built components. Wide range of design options.

Do you still have some doubts about which tool to use? Speed up with Jet’s 14-day free trial program now. Access a two-week onboarding trial, and don’t look for your ideal platform anymore.