How to Migrate from to Jet Admin recently announced about it’s sunset. The tool has gained a reputation as a powerful web application builder that streamlines users with some core functionality to create internal tools quickly and easily.

Due to the unexpected news, many users may find themselves in the need to quickly switch to other builders. If you are looking for a new home for your web app development tasks you are in the right place. Jet Admin has some core similarities and can provide you with extra features making the transaction process headache-free.

Feature Comparison
Feature Jet Admin
Drag-and-drop interface
Pre-built components
Data manipulation
Third-party integrations
Self-hosting options
Custom code support
Workflow automation
Component designer

Why to Switch from Interanl to Jet Admin?

Jet Admin’s workflow process is similar to the Internal one. Migration will be an easy task with the advanced support of our no-code platform, extensive data sources, and thorough detailed documentation.

Jet Admin supports the data sources you are already working with PostgreSQL, MySQL, Google Sheets, Airtable, BigQuery, and more. As well, similar to Internal, Jet works through API making the transaction process even more smooth and fast.

Another great advantage is the ability to use the popular integrations your software relies on such as Stripe, Hubspot, and Zendesk.

Internal looks like the best tool for your needs? There are some cons why considering Jet Admin.

Native Code Support

You may like the way Internal supports native code which can help a lot in terms of creating unique and highly customized web applications. So does Jet Admin, providing you with the ability to tune up your software for your business needs by adding some extra customization. Why does this matter?

Custom code allows users to extend the capabilities of no-code platforms beyond their built-in features. This can be extremely useful for implementing niche functionalities, integrating with specific APIs or systems, or customizing the platform's behavior to fit the unique workflows you may use.

While no-code builders offer drag-and-drop building systems and ready-to-use components for common tasks more complex logic may require custom code. This could involve manipulations, conditional branching, or advanced algorithms that are not easy to create through the platform's visual tools.

Custom code is extremely useful in terms of performance optimization of specific routines or algorithms. The need for custom code rises as the solution you create handles more data and requires real-time responsiveness.

Integration with Existing Code

Custom code makes it easy to integrate no-code solutions with existing codebases. This can be useful for connecting no-code applications to legacy systems and extend existing code with no-code components, or incorporate no-code solutions into larger software architectures.

Another essential advantage of code is the ability to troubleshoot or debug your app. This is crucial for identifying and resolving complex issues, especially when it comes to logic or integrations.

Third-Party Integration

Jet Admin similar to Internal provides wide integration options to connect with third-party services, enabling data exchange and workflow automation easy and fast.

Both platforms provide pre-built connectors for popular services, API integration, webhook support, and the ability to create custom scripts for complex scenarios. Thus allowing users to enhance data sharing, expand the functionality of their applications, and, in the end, streamline all operations.


Both tools provide self-hosting on various platforms such as Docker, Kubernetes, AWS Elastic Beanstalk, etc.

Workflow Automation

Jet Admin and have several similarities in their workflow automation processes, offering:

Visually intuitive interfaces. Drag-and-drop interfaces and pre-built components simplify workflow creation, making it accessible to users with limited technical expertise.

Trigger-based automation. Automations can be triggered by various events, such as button clicks, data changes, or external API calls.

Conditional branching. Conditional logic grants dynamic execution of actions based on specific conditions and enables flexible and adaptable workflows.

Data manipulation. Both platforms can handle data changes within workflows, which helps to automatically process and improve data.

Integrations with third-party services. Pre-built connectors, API integration, and webhook support data exchange and automation with external systems.

Drag and Drop builder

Thus, we've arrived at the most crucial and user-favored feature - the drag-and-drop builder. Both tools make it easy to build complex web applications using drag-and-drop blocks. This approach lets you customize your applications quickly and easily. With a wide variety of elements to choose from, you can tailor your tools to fit your specific needs, making these builders extremely valuable for your business case.

However, Jet Admin has taken a step ahead of its competitors by launching the component designer. It lets you create your own custom components, which can be used to add unique features to your applications and power them with extra customization. This makes Jet Admin a great choice for businesses that need to create unique and highly customized applications.

Last Words

Our team understands how it is important to find the right tool to migrate. In order to help you with this crucial decision Jet Admin’s team will be happy to provide you with:

  • Switching Assistance,
  • Advanced customer support,
  • Data migration assistance,
  • Extended free trial  - Up to 28 days!

Feel free to contact us via our website widget, Email at, or schedule a call.

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