Custom CSS

Design in Figma
launch in Jet

Turn your static designs into sleek, production-ready web apps using the Figma to Jet plugin.

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How it works

Using these components, making a sleek design that boosts user experience is a breeze. Forget the long hours of starting from scratch - start building your interface today!

Install + Connect

Install the Figma to Jet plugin, and pass Figma Plugin key access to the Jet apps you’ll use to transfer designs from Figma to Jet.

Copy + Paste

Design with auto layout in Figma, then easily translate your designs to Jet as responsive components — you can apply pixel-perfect adjustments later.

Polish + Publish

Wire up content using our powerful Data Binding Builder, efficiently arrange components, and publish with a single click.

Experience the power of code. Without writing it.

Jet effortlessly converts your design into an web app that is ready for release.

Copy-paste, Polish, Publish

Streamline your site build today with the Figma to Jet plugin.





Basic text 22

Basic text 16

Text-size-medium 24

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